Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What do I like to do?

          In the middle of almost every first couple of conversations with someone new if I’m right, someone almost always goes
                                           "So...what do you like to do?"
This could be at your free or spare time or generally just anytime, and as unusual as this sounds, I usually don't know what to say for the first few seconds maybe even minutes. "What do you mean by you usually don't know what to say" you ask?    What I mean is, I do lots of things in my spare time. I also do lots of things even when it’s not my spare time. However, the fact that I let these things take up my time does not necessarily mean I enjoy doing them. So whenever (and by whenever, I mean almost every time) I say “Oh! I watch movies now and then,” I never really answer the question, because honestly, I can’t stand watching a movie or being asked to watch a movie for an assignment or for an evaluation or something official, yet I watch movies all the time. This is because when I watch movies during my free time, I have the liberty and audacity to divide my attention between the movie and something else. I am allowed to sleep through half the movie without worrying that I might lose track of the message trying to be passed, because I was not watching the movie to gain something from it; I was watching it to burn time.

On the other hand, if I have to watch a movie to write a summary about it or discuss it in class or to a group. It takes me an unnecessarily long period of time because it gets difficult to focus on something you don’t enjoy doing.
I was really tempted to say because it gets difficult to focus on something you couldn’t really care less about, but I do care much about my grade so that’s a no-no.

Other than watching movies nevertheless, I play games, but I get tired of it as soon as I start; I eat, which I only do because I like to keep my mouth busy when I’m watching a movie; I also read; I can attempt to draw once in a blue moon, I clean my room etc. All these things, I’ve done so much that every time I do them now, I get this horrible been there…done that…déja-vu feeling. And it is because of this feeling that I dreaded the Spring break. I couldn’t bear to imagine seven whole days with absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go (which was not a surprise considering the fact that I was in the all famous Joplin) such that I twitched anytime I heard the words “I just can’t wait for Spring Break.”

The Spring Break is over now anyway but if I was offered another week-off, I’d have to be drunk to turn that down (and that’s just an expression, I’m not old enough to drink), because even in my sleep I wouldn’t. It was in the course of this seven days I realized I enjoyed dancing. And I don’t mean moving my hips or nodding my head like all of us popular dancers know how to do. I mean moving to the beat popping and locking hip-hop music dancing. I didn’t even know I had this passion until I started having sleepless nights. Dancing kept me awake. I would be up late into the morning thinking about new dance moves to try and choreographies to give a shot. I had so much time dancing that it was all I thought about for a week, all I did, and for once I was actually very happy, looking forward to every new day that came.

So there it is. That’s what I like to do. It’s definitely going to take me a while to incorporate it into my sentences and get rid of my monotonous “Oh! I watch movies now and then,” but it’s definitely worth the try. A little bird (Yes! That same nosey little bird that never minds his business and always tells our professors to give us pop-quizzes) deceived me and told me ‘A’ for ‘Effort’ because he thought I wasn’t listening when my elementary teacher was teaching us that ‘Ef-fort’ begins with an ‘F’...or is it an 'E'.
(I know right? What a silly way to end a blog)

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