Thursday, April 30, 2015

Where would i rather be: Culture shock and the things that come with...

So I know this is supposed to be persuasive yeah? but I gotta start from 'A' to get to 'Z' aye?

So I have always envied you Americans. Honestly! I grew up with the knowledge that you guys were so perfect…and safe. I had always dreamt that one day I would come to the United States…even if it was for trafficking (Oh geez! God forbid. I’m just kidding). But now that I’m here, I don’t know…it doesn’t feel like a dream come true. It doesn’t feel like that wish at the top of my wish list has come to pass. I don’t feel like I have accomplished a life-long dream. I just feel…lost and alone.

My country has never been the safest place to reside. No matter the direction you run, there is always danger coming behind you and then when you think you have found a safe place and finally decide to settle down, you realize that you may have just made the worst decision of your life. Still, I never left. It’s not like I didn’t want to, I just never had the chance to. When I finally became old enough to travel, I had to go to school…High School. Wait hold up! High school???I mean Boarding School, run by Sisters! What we know to be Gaol (what you call prison here), and then I go “Why did Britain have to colonize us?” They school system was so mean. They made us girls cut our hair…gave us metal buckets to use and my oh my…there was nothing like you can call the police if you feel your parent is maltreating you. In my country, if you have done something stupid and an elder person or your parent decides to flog you to correct you (which they will), if you call the police for something like that, I can bet you on my dog that the police will not just collect the cane from your parent flogging you, he will assist your parent to flog you. So you can imagine how many times we were flogged.
The bullies in my boarding school were almost unbelievable. If you think I’m exaggerating, watch my bruh back me up. Boarding school is not a joke!

 Now, I’m not saying we were maltreated, we were just disciplined. And I can only say that now because I have passed the age of doing stupid things so Glory be to God, my parents don’t flog me anymore (I hope). But even if you were not flogged, you were given punishments that were paralyzing. You would be in a position for hours and you may be bawling your heart out. Nobody cares. That is why children of nowadays are so lucky. When children who were disciplined the hard way grow up to be parents, they try to make it easier for their own children to the point that these children become so spoiled. They don’t want to discipline them because they are afraid. So the number of undisciplined children who roam around like free-range chickens has drastically increased.

(to be continued again =)
I could write a book about this.

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